Icebug’s solar power program “Solros” awarded

The new Outdoor Changemaker Award was presented at a Swedish industry gathering, with Suston’s Editor-in-chief Gabriel Arthur in the jury. The winner: Icebug’s “plug-and-play-solution” to reduce GHG-emissions in the Vietnamese supply chain.

Initiator of this new award is Peak 63 Outdoor Lab from Östersund, Sweden. Joel Svedlund from Peak 63 explains the reasons behind:

“The prize is awarded to a person, group, company or organization that have changed the sport/outdoor industry in a sustainable direction. Where cooperation rather than competition is of essence.”


The winner must live up to five criteria:

  • Has initiated a movement/transformative change.
  • Potential for big sustainability impact & long-lasting effects.
  • Inspiring others to sustainable action.
  • Addresses an actual industry challenge.
  • Use of a collaborative approach.


Suston is media partner to the Changemaker Award, and Editor-in-chief Gabriel Arthur also stresses the importance of collaboration:

“Especially for smaller and medium sized organizations, the only way to scale up and reach positive tipping-points is to share solutions and involve others. I think Icebug’s initiative is a great example of this mindset.”

Also part of the jury was Hanna Hervall from the sustainability consultancy agency Gidås, the main sponsor behind the award.

“I think this is a very worthy winner. In my opinion, Icebug has created a visionary company culture based on genuine values, where initiatives like this can grow naturally.


This is what it can look like – the picture shows a factory in a previous photovoltaic project of BayWa r.e. (Photo: BayWa r.e.)

A fast track for others to follow

Icebug’s Solar Rooftop Scaling Program – “Solros” – is described as a fast track for brands and the factories that they work with in Vietnam to install solar rooftop photovoltaic energy. The program is a spin off from a pilot project. Six brands from the apparel and footwear industry participated, each nominating up to five of their facto­ries.

This pilot was then scaled, taking the learnings and wins from the solar group pilot project, for the apparel and footwear supply chain in Vietnam. Icebug claims that with the Solros program, factories can – without any investment needed (zero CAPEX) – cover up to 50% of their electricity need. Thereby immediately reducing emissions, increasing energy independence and cutting electricity costs. The whole process can be done in less than a year.

“When you make a sustainability win, you have a responsibility to share it with others so that the effect can be scaled. Several brands have already joined the SOLROS program which is now also part of the European Outdoor Group’s Carbon Reduction Project,” says David Eklund, CEO of Icebug, who received the award at the industry event in Östersund.

David Ekelund sees The Changemaker Award as an acknowledgement that Icebug is on the right track, and will carry the prize – a wooden, handmade trekking pole – until next year’s winner takes over.

“To be an outdoor changemaker is what Icebug is all about! We are here to help people experience great lives with the help from our gear – and the industry to benefit the planet and society by doing business that is actually good for the world. We are very grateful for the recognition.”


About Icebug

Icebug, the Swedish outdoor footwear brand, is a pioneer in high-performance footwear and sustainability innovation. Known for its traction technologies, Icebug’s products offer exceptional grip on all terrains in any season.

Visit website.


Lead Photo: Icebug


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