German retailer Globetrotter launches “Nature Bonus” to support conservation

Protecting the Wadden Sea with the WWF, renaturalizing rivers with NABU and strengthening climate-friendly mobility with the German Alpine Association: These are the first three environmental protection projects that the Hamburg-based outdoor outfitter Globetrotter is supporting with 100,000 euros each as part of its new Nature Bonus (Naturbonus) funding program.

“With the Naturbonus, we want to make a further contribution to greater sustainability and environmental protection,” says Globetrotter CEO Andreas Vogler.

“Since the end of last year, 1 percent of our Globetrotter Club sales have been donated to our Naturbonus funding pot. This money is then available for selected nature and environmental protection projects in Germany.”

Globetrotter is a subsidiary of Fenix Outdoor International AG, and the Nature Bonus concept originated in its Swedish sister-company Naturkompaniet back in 2011. Since then, Naturkompaniet has donated 2.3 million Euro to environmental conservation and education projects, and the Nature Bonus has also been adopted by the Finnish sister-company Partioaitta.

From now on, the Nature Bonus will be awarded twice a year by a seven-member jury. This jury consists of CEO Andreas Vogler, Managing Director Andreas Bartmann and other Globetrotter experts from the fields of sustainability and public relations.

In spring, the jury held its first constituent meeting and selected three nature and environmental protection projects to be supported with the nature bonus in the first round of awards. A total of eight projects from various sponsors were available for selection.

The first three projects to receive the Globetrotter nature bonus are as follows:

NABU – River Fund

Various projects for the renaturation of rivers and natural flood protection are brought together under the umbrella of the NABU River Fund. Current projects are being implemented on the Havel, the Aller and various smaller rivers, among others. The nature bonus is intended to support various renaturation measures on the Havel and its tributaries as well as measures that have a positive impact on the aquatic ecology in the Havel region.

WWF – “Preserving the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site”

The WWF project “Preserving the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site” finances various measures to protect the Wadden Sea – including, for example, the adaptation of this particularly sensitive habitat to climate change and, in particular, to the consequences of rising sea levels. These measures are to be supported by the Naturbonus funds.

DAV – Sustainable mobility

Making its members’ journeys to the Alps as sustainable as possible – this is the declared aim of the German Alpine Club, which wants to promote a sustainable mobility project within the club with the Naturbonus. Further project details will follow shortly.

All three projects are being supported with 100,000 euros each from the Naturbonus funding pot.

“I am particularly pleased that we are supporting the NABU fund,” says Globetrotter Managing Director Andreas Bartmann. “We have a long-standing friendship with the nature conservation association.” We have been a partner and sponsor of the Hanse Environmental Prize of NABU Hamburg since 1995.

CEO Andreas Vogler adds: “The protection of the Wadden Sea is particularly important to us as a North German company. I am therefore delighted that we were also able to agree on a WWF marine conservation project in the jury. And the German Alpine Club is also a long-standing partner of Globetrotter, whose climate fund we have supported for many years.”

Another round of awards for the Nature Bonus will take place at the end of the year.


About Globetrotter Equipment

Globetrotter opened its first “specialty store” for expeditions, survival and trekking in Hamburg in 1979 and has since grown into one of Europe’s largest outdoor retailers. The company name not only stands for expert advice and quality equipment in the outdoor and travel sector, but also for sustainability. The stores offer customers repair services, equipment rental and second-hand equipment, among other things. In 2023, Globetrotter was one of the top 5 companies in the “Resources” category of the German Sustainability Award, and in 2024 the company received the coveted award as the industry winner in sporting goods retail.


Photo: Globetrotter


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